Collaboration Encouraged

The oneAPI initiative encourages collaboration on the specification and compatible oneAPI implementations across the ecosystem.

Spec 1.3

Component Releases

Individual components of oneAPI may also release specifications. See Releases for detailed information about all releases.

About the Specification

The specification includes 7 core elements of oneAPI. This includes:

  • oneDPL: A companion to the DPC++ Compiler for programming oneAPI devices with APIs from C++ standard library, Parallel STL, and extensions
  • oneDNN: High-performance implementations of primitives for deep learning frameworks
  • oneCCL: Communication primitives for scaling deep learning frameworks across multiple devices
  • Level Zero: A system interface for oneAPI languages and libraries
  • oneDAL: Algorithms for accelerated data science
  • oneTBB: A library for adding thread-based parallelism to complex applications on multiprocessors
  • oneMKL: High-performance math routines for science, engineering, and financial applications

Each element is developed by a core team with feedback from the community. This is described in more detail in our governance doc. The sources for the document are in GitHub, and we also publish a road map. If you want to be involved in the development of the specification, submit a GitHub issue or pull request.

oneAPI 1.3

oneAPI 1.3 Specification was released on September 14, 2023, and is available online.

oneAPI 1.2

oneAPI 1.2 was released on November 10, 2022, and is available online.

  • oneAPI Deep Neural Network Library (oneDNN): A graph API has been added to oneDNN, which compiles and executes a deep learning computation graph, identifying opportunities for fusing operators and other target-specific optimizations, working closely with industry partners who develop the major frameworks.READ MORE

oneAPI 1.1

oneAPI 1.1 was released on November 11, 2021, and is available online.

  • Level Zero: Level Zero serves as a foundational layer for supporting oneAPI as it provides a direct-to-metal interface to offload accelerator devices. Level Zero 1.1 provides several new extensions as well as spec clarifications.READ MORE

oneAPI Special Interest Groups (SIGs)

The Special Interest Groups are open to anyone and bring together industry experts to help guide the oneAPI specification and open source projects.

Information about these groups is available on the GitHub repository where you can find out when meetings are being held and read the meeting notes and minutes

Read more
oneAPI Technical Advisory Board

Language SIGSYCL & oneDPL

SYCL is oneAPI’s core language for programming accelerators and multiple processors. oneDPL is a companion to the SYCL compiler.

Math SIGoneMKL

High-performance math routines for science, and financial applications

AI SIGoneDNN & oneDAL & oneCCL

Artificial Intelligence allows machines to work efficiently and solve problems

Hardware SIGLevel Zero

Foundational layer for supporting oneAPI as it provides a direct-to-metal interface to offload accelerator devices

Image SIGoneIPL

Ready-to-use, highly optimized, image processing Library (under development).


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