News and Insights


Could This Artificial Intelligence (AI) Stock Be the Next Nvidia?

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Newspaper Article • June 16, 2024


Rise of the Non-NVIDIA Alliance Benefits Taiwanese ASIC Manufacturers

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Newspaper Article • July 3, 2024

Could This Artificial Intelligence (AI) Stock Be the Next Nvidia?

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Newspaper Article • June 16, 2024

Intel’s oneDNN 3.5 Begins Optimizing For Xe2, More Xeon 6 Tuning

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Newspaper Article • June 7, 2024

Intel ISC 2024 Keynote

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Newspaper Article • May 28, 2024

oneAPI Centers of Excellence and the UXL Foundation Empower the Open Source Revolution

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Newspaper Article • May 6, 2024

AI in Context: UXL to Be an Open-Source Alternative to NVIDIA’s CUDA?

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Newspaper Article • May 4, 2024

Intel’s vision for AI: Embracing ‘openness at every layer of the stack’

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Newspaper Article • April 17, 2024

Using oneAPI construction kit to enable open standards programming for the Metis AIPU

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Newspaper Article • April 10, 2024

Competitors Plot to Break Nvidia’s Grip on AI by Targeting Software

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Newspaper Article • April 10, 2024

Tech giants team up for open standard accelerator software ecosystem

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Newspaper Article • April 8, 2024

These Tech Titans Are Teaming Up Against Nvidia

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Newspaper Article • April 8, 2024

Intel, Google, Arm join forces against Nvidia’s strong dominance with open source.

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Newspaper Article • April 1, 2024

Intel Is at the Center of an Industrywide Push to End Nvidia’s AI Dominance

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Newspaper Article • March 29, 2024

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